Well, hopefully we are getting on the other side of this horrible pandemic. Late spring and early summer have been beautiful! Not sure that the weather has been that different than previous years, but being able to see people’s whole faces and interacting in person with others has been wonderful!! Being able to shake hands and hug folks has also been amazing!
Cray was fortunate to finish our year in a positive financial position, despite the costs associated with dealing with Covid 19. This is largely due to the incredible number of monetary donations by all of you who have supported us through these very difficult times. To all of you who aided us with your gifts of your time, talents, and treasure over the past year, I humbly thank you for your help!
This financial support has allowed Cray to grow our recently started “Family Needs Fund” for any issues that may arise outside of normal operations regarding Cray kids/families past and present. Remember “Once a Cray Kid, always a Cray Kid”
Cray has resumed all face to face services although most of what Cray does had never really shut down. Most notably, Cray was able to resume our Bowlathon, after a one year hiatus, live on May 22, 2021 which is our biggest fundraiser that supports our mentoring programming.
The recent loss of two incredible “Crayons” has really impacted the Cray Community. Ms. Jill Kaufman and Mr. Norman Moses will be sorely missed.
In closing, I ask you to continue to stay safe, get your vaccines and maybe we will not have to wear masks in our everyday life anymore! Enjoy the rest of your summer and I will talk to you in the Fall.
God Bless, Don Kemerer, Director