Cray’s Foster Care services provide safe and nurturing homes for children (infants through age 18+) who have been removed from their home due to parental abuse, neglect or a lack of parental control. Children in need of substitute care are referred through the Lawrence County Children and Youth Services agency. Cray serves as the connector to safe homes and quality care for these children and youth.
We are always looking for families who are willing to open their homes and their hearts to children who have been removed from their own families. As you might expect, despite the chaos and pain of their home situations, removal from their families is oftenjarring for these children. Being able to stay with foster families in the familiar surroundings of their home community makes this difficult time a little less hard. For many of these children, being able to attend their same schools, see their friends, and even go to stores they know makes a huge difference. If you or someone you know might be interested in serving as a Foster Home, we are always looking for a few good families.
Common Questions
Am I even qualified to be a foster parent?
If you are at least 21 years of age and are a loving, caring, nurturing person who can provide a safe, stable home environment for a child or children in need, then yes! (See requirements below). We do not discriminate against foster parents – whether you are a single parent, married couple, widowed, retired, same sex marriage, etc., we want you!
What is the child I may potentially foster like? Are these “troubled kids”?
Each child that comes into care has a different story, with their own battles and struggles. Fostering, just like any parenting, is not easy. It has its challenges, but there are support systems in place to help with the transition and to help guide you through each challenge that may come your way.
Do I meet this child beforehand?
In some cases, we can arrange for a “meet and greet” before the child is placed in your home, but more often than not the placement is needed immediately (ie. child being placed immediately after school or in the middle of the night). In which case, the first time you will meet your foster child is when they show up at your front door.
Am I on my own for this, or does somebody help?
Our Foster Care team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any questions/concerns you may have.
Other than feeding, sheltering, mentoring what else does a foster parent do?
Per the Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard Act, we want our foster parents to treat their foster children the same way they would treat their own children – with love, nurturing, structure, consistency, and respect.
What are my fiscal responsibilities for this child?
Foster parents are provided a monthly stipend (amount based on # of children and which county they are referred from), which is to be used for meeting the daily needs of each child (ie. groceries, clothing, toiletries, etc.) We do offer assistance with school supplies as well as toiletries and financial assistance for extracurricular activities.
What if it doesn’t work out?
If a placement does not work out, the foster family gives the Foster Care Director a 30-day notice. The placing agency (Children and Youth Services) then has up to 30 days to find another suitable placement for the child. If it is a situation that involves a safety concern, the child will be removed immediately.
What are the requirements to be a foster parent?
- Must be 21 years of age
- Must obtain Child Abuse, Criminal and FBI Clearances (agency provides)
- Must pass a physical examination
- Must provide proof of financial stability for the past 10 years
- Must provide copies of a valid drivers’ license, as well as current vehicle registration and insurance
- Must maintain homeowners or renters insurance
- Must obtain CPR/First-Aid Certification (agency provides)
- Must provide current up-to-date vaccinations, including rabies, for dogs and cats
- Must complete 20 hours of training prior to certification; 10 hours annually (agency provides)
Must be caring with a big heart!
Director of Foster Care: Sheena Carchedi
44 South Beaver St., New Castle, PA 16101 724-654-5507