In partnership with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, the Lawrence County Community Action Partnership, and the Lawrence County Commissioners, Cray is one of 11 sites in Lawrence County that have been providing free meals and fun activities for neighborhood youth throughout the summer.

Cray’s site at the Albert P. Gettings Annex has attracted more than 185 youth and served almost 2000 free meals.  These youth have also enjoyed the gifts and talents of featured entertainment/education, including:  the NC Fire Department, the NC Police Department, New Castle Beauty School, the Crisis Shelter, the Book Mobile, the National Guard, Penn State Extension, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Lawrence County, Lawrence County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Jameson Health, Liberty Mutual,  and Amazing Magic by Devin.

In celebration of a great summer and to kick-off activities at the former I Care House this fall (of which Cray has recently assumed new ownership), Cray is hosting a Carnival-themed Block Party on Friday, August 24, from 4:00-7:00 pm.  It will be at 602 Court Street.  There will be music, food, and fun.  This is the first opportunity to announce the re-opening of the House and to signify Cray’s dedication for change in Lawrence County and the lower East Side Neighborhood of New Castle.


 About the Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is designed to ensure that children have access to nutritious meals throughout the summer months. There are 11 sites throughout Lawrence County.  The Annex Site serves meals (11:30 am -12:30 pm) and provides fun activities (10:00-11:30) Monday through Friday until August 24, 2012.  All children, ages 18 and under, are eligible to participate.  No paperwork is required, no questions asked.


About Cray Youth & Family Services, Inc.

Cray Youth and Family Services, Inc. has been dedicated to “making life better for kids” for many years in the Lawrence County community.  Cray’s work began with direct services for youth, expanded to include support for the families of these youth, and most recently has evolved in recognition that a healthy community is necessary to have strong families and happy kids.  Cray’s newest efforts for change lie in a community-wide building strategy.  This is inclusive of a larger planning effort, but also includes neighborhood-based projects that are intended to empower residents and connect people.